Before and during site prep operations remember the following BMP guidelines:
- The boundaries of all SMZs should be clearly defined before beginning any site preparation activities.
- Avoid site preparation on steep slopes or highly erodible soils. Hand plant excessively steep slopes or wet areas.
- Mechanical site prep and planting should be done on the contour.
- Site preparation activities should skirt SMZs and stream channels. Debris should be placed above the ordinary high water mark.
- Carefully plan application of chemicals to avoid direct or indirect entry into streams and impoundments.
- All trash associated with site prep or planting operations should be promptly hauled to a legal disposal site.
- Avoid damage to existing water control devices. Any damage should be repaired immediately.
Follow these guidelines while conducting prescribed burns:
- Site prep burns on steep slopes or highly erodible soils should only be conducted when they are absolutely necessary. The duff layer should be maintained.
- Firebreaks should have water control structures which divert water away from streams.
- Prescribed burns within an SMZ should be done at a low intensity.
- Firelines should be constructed along the SMZ boundary, and should follow the same guidelines as logging trails and skid trails with respect to water control structures. - image